Baseball old lady February Shirt


Baseball old lady February Shirt

The best Christmas memories are from church. There was a Baseball old lady February Shirtcandlelight service at our church. When I got older, I was allowed to walk down the aisle and stop at every pew, and the first person seated would light their candle from the big one I carried. When all the candles were lit, the lights would go off, and a hush would always fall over the congregation as we all sat in the dark with our lit candles glowing brightly. We sang all the old Christmas hymns, such as Silent Night, O Little Town Of Bethlehem, We Three Kings, and more. I was always mesmerized as the Pastor told the story of Christ’s birth, and usually there was a live nativity made up of real farm animals and little kids playing the parts. There was always a children’s time, when the Pastor called the little children to come and sit up front, near the alter, while he told them a story having to do with the birth of Jesus, and gave each kid a candy cane. Christmas Eve services were so great back then. Now there are no candles, just little battery operated lights, and the service is held at either 3 pm or 6 pm, because families are too busy to stay up so late on Christmas Eve.

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We typically go to a Christmas Eve candlelight service in the BERNARDSWILLER Shirt. Those are crowded but not nearly as packed as the evening services. Then we meet at my sister’s house along with her family, my other sisters and their families, and Mom. Like good Texans we feast on the traditional tamales, accompanied with fresh guacamole, cheese dip, and cold beer. Our kids run around and catch up with their cousins. After dinner it’s Mom’s birthday party! She was born on Christmas Eve. For the last 25 years or so my wife has baked the birthday cake, always with a different recipe. Mom opens her birthday cards and gifts while we enjoy the yummy cake. After that it’s time for the cousins’ gifts. When our children were little all of the adults gave presents to all of the kids. Now that our children are grown they exchange gifts with each other. Sometimes they’re pretty funny. When my nephew completed law school he received an official looking barrister’s wig. He was thrilled. Rome and her provinces were very dependent on the tim.

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